Why is it Important to Treat Periodontitis Disease – Elite Dental Care Tracy


30 June 2020

Why is it Important to Treat Periodontitis Disease – Elite Dental Care Tracy

Everybody in their lifetime indeed faces oral issues, though they maintain oral hygiene.
An old axiom says “an aching tooth is better out than in.”
If there is any discomfort in the tooth, it is better to consult your dentist and get it treated immediately.
Oral issues like gum diseases, accumulated bacteria, plaque, inflammation, Gingivitis, etc. should be cured in initial stages to avoid periodontal diseases.

A brief study on the periodontal disease?
Periodontal disease is one of the types of gum diseases that damages the gums and the jawbone if it is left untreated.
It is a combination of two words. “Perio” is around, and “dontis” is teeth.
Periodontal disease is a thick infection around the teeth.
It is the progressive condition that destroys the soft tissue at a rapid speed.
There are many causes for periodontal disease, and one of the causes is poor oral hygiene.

Do you know how to identify the periodontal disease?

Insights on symptoms of Periodontitis disease:
If the Gingivitis stage is untreated, it leads to periodontitis disease.
Periodontal disease affects the gum tissues and pulls the teeth away from the gums, creates space or gaps and forms pockets in between the teeth and gums.
Poor oral hygiene allows the bacteria or inflammation to fill in these pockets formed in the gaps.
If it is over time, you have not treated the bacteria, or the inflammation, it results in periodontitis disease.

Periodontitis disease is found in different forms and affects according to the age of the person.

Gaze on the types of periodontitis disease:
There are several types of periodontitis that affect people of different ages.

  1. Gingivitis:

Flesh present around the teeth is known as Gingiva, inflammation, or irritation in the gums, due to the presence of bacteria or plaque is called Gingivitis.
Gingivitis is the initial phase of periodontitis disease. It is most common in teenagers.
Symptoms of this disease are redness, swelling, and bleeding from the gums while brushing.
Gingivitis does not need professional procedures. It is in the mild form so home remedies, or by taking precautions in routine oral care, we can get rid of the disease.

  1. Periodontitis:

Periodontitis is prevalent in adults, unlike gingivitis. It affects the soft tissues. It spreads below the gum line and weakens the jawbone and causes tooth loss.
Symptoms of this disease are hepatitis (bad breath), receding gums, the formation of pockets in between the gums and teeth, pus formation at the gum line due to deep infection.

  1. Aggressive periodontitis:

It is the advanced stage of periodontitis, where the destruction of bone, gingival tissues, gingival ligaments starts and is in an advanced stage.
We see Aggressive periodontitis, usually in adults older than 35 years.

  1. Necrotizing Periodontitis:

Necrotizing periodontitis causes damage in tissues, ligaments, and bones in the mouth.
The other name for this type is acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis.
It is common in people with low immunity, smokers, malnourished people.

  1. Genes:

One of the causes of periodontitis in people is heredity.
It causes in people with good oral care if any of their relatives have had the periodontitis.
Genetics plays a vital role. It affects the person though he is taking oral care and has no complaints.

Other factors:
A few other factors that cause periodontitis are:

  • Misaligned or crowded teeth
  • Smoking
  • Tooth braces or bridgework
  • Stress, medications
  • Teeth clenching
  • Poor nutrition
  • Bad habits
  • Hormonal changes

How to prevent Periodontitis?

  • Brush twice a day to avoid inflammation, with fluoride toothpaste.
  • Eat healthy food that enriches your tooth health.
  • Avoid Junk, acidic, sticky, coloured, and sugary foods.
  • Drink lots of fluoridated water. Be careful, with the levels of fluoride as excess fluoride leads to fluorosis.
  • Do not miss the regular visits to your dentist.
  • Use fluoride-rich mouthwashes.
  • Drink green tea, practice gargling frequently with lukewarm water with a pinch of salt in it. It helps to clear the settled bacteria or inflammation in the teeth.
  • Quit bad habits like smoking, drinking alcohol, etc.

Non-surgery therapies:

  • Deep cleaning at home, that flushes away the bacteria or inflammation present below the gum line in the teeth.
  • Dentist appointments for regular cleaning to vanish the pockets and reattach the gums to the teeth.
  • Concentration on bite adjustments.
  • Using kits like bite guards to avoid biting

Surgery procedures:

  • Soft tissue grafts
  • Bone graft surgery
  • Lengthening the crown to recontour the gum tissue, to see more of the enamel part.
  • Reduction of pockets to reduce the space between the teeth and the gums.

Gum diseases like periodontitis are mean to the whole body’s health, therefore it is important to treat them immediately for overall health.

Do not neglect the periodontal disease, it is important to treat them in the right time with the best procedure or it will be a life taking risk.

Lets’ see what happens if you neglect the periodontal diseases:

Why is it important to treat gum diseases:
A research conducted from the periodontology at Ohio state university college of dentistry, Ohio stated that all the gum diseases like periodontology are connected to the vital parts of the body like heart, that is heart attacks, failure of kidneys, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, asthma, osteoporosis, cancer, etc.
As per Dr.Mariotti, 120 conditions are linked to gum diseases. However, the cause and effect relationship is not mentioned anywhere clearly.

Gum diseases and diabetes:
According to the American Dental Association, periodontitis affects the glucose levels and causes diabetes and high glucose levels cause periodontitis as the people with diabetes have HbA1C (a form of glucose in haemoglobin). It measures glucose levels in the blood.
People with diabetes are more susceptible to the grown of bacteria in teeth leading to gum disease.

We know that diabetics have less capacity of healing any abnormalities in their body, therefore they should take good oral care to prevent any form of gum diseases or any dental issues.

Gum diseases and Heart:
According to Dr.Looper Gum diseases are related to the inflammatory parts like CRP – (C-reactive protein), it is a protein present in the plasma of the blood.
Gum diseases elevate the CRP levels in the blood, resulting in heart risks to the patient.
The evidence of these facts is not conclusive experts are still on research to prove their point.

If you want to live a healthy lifestyle, a major portion of your life should revolve around good oral health.
Periodontal disease can be prevented with good oral hygiene and regular professional dental care.
Protect the oral health that makes your smile more attractive, and make the world a better place for you.