wisdom teeth removal food

Wisdom Tooth Removal. When is it Necessary?

It’s a common question among adults: when is it time to consider wisdom tooth removal? The answer depends on various factors, such as the individual’s overall dental health and the positioning of the teeth. Fortunately, there are many signs that can alert you to the need for wisdom tooth extraction.     In this article, we’ll Wisdom Tooth Removal. When is it Necessary?

Wisdom Tooth Extraction & Aftercare: Everything You Need to Know!

Wisdom tooth extraction is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of one or more of your wisdom teeth, which are the four permanent adult teeth positioned at the top and bottom of your mouth.  Rinsing, spitting, hot drinks, and anything else that might remove the blood clots that develop in the open tooth socket should Wisdom Tooth Extraction & Aftercare: Everything You Need to Know!


Tooth extraction is the procedure done to remove the infected tooth. Dental defects like cavities chipped enamel pave way for the harmful bacteria in the mouth to invade the roots of the tooth. The decayed tooth demands removal, otherwise it spreads the infection to the adjacent teeth. Tooth extraction requires optimum aftercare for better results. You have to be very FOODS TO EAT & AVOID AFTER TOOTH EXTRACTION

Wisdom Teeth Removal – 5 Awesome Tips for Recovery

wisdom teeth removal

The Third molars or the Wisdom teeth are the teeth farthest away in the dental arches and for some people they might not even develop throughout the life time. They are four in number, two in the upper jaw and two in the lower jaw with one on each of the left and the right Wisdom Teeth Removal – 5 Awesome Tips for Recovery